Watch: Landlords & Leases – What You Need to Know

Andy Brow and Karron Whitter

My discussion with Karron Whitter of Clark Holt (recorded in September) couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time. As businesses struggle to decide what they need from their office space, the videos below cover everything you need to consider before entering a dialogue with your landlord. You can watch it in full, or skip to the section you’re most interested in.

The videos cover:

  • How would a business tenant start to assess their own lease and position?
  • The top 5 things to consider if you are a business with a lease
  • How do you start a dialogue with your landlord?
  • How are conversations about rescheduling rent evolving?
  • Can a Landlord Foreit a lease and evict a tenant for none payment (2020)
  • Can you stop paying business rates at the moment (2020)
  • Can a tenant withhold rent or terminate a lease at any time during Covid
  • What you need to know about break rights

If you’re having discussions about space, watch this. 

How would a tenant start to assess their own lease and position? 

What are the top five things you would recommend to businesses who are currently in a lease to think about?

How do you start a dialogue with your landlord?

Rescheduling rents, how are those conversations evolving?

Can a tenant withhold rent or terminate a lease in any circumstance?

Can you stop paying business rates at the moment?

What do I need to know about break rights?

It goes without saying, but please check legislation around landlords and leases as the landscape is evolving.

If you found the videos interesting, please consider signing up to Rambling On, my bi weekly round up of all kinds of stuff that business leaders might find helpful, insightful or amusing.



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