Communicating. Is it easier in small teams?
You may have heard the famous “two pizza rule” saying from Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos —if a team can’t be
You may have heard the famous “two pizza rule” saying from Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos —if a team can’t be
This is a postcard I produced for our team at agenda21 about 5 years ago. I found it in a
When Brian Norgard, Entrepreneur and Ex-CPO of Tinder tweeted ‘The most expensive way to pay for anything is with time’
Building rapport, reading the ‘Zoom’ room and cutting through noise. Some of the most difficult tasks you face when selling
My discussion with What are the top five things you would recommend to businesses who are currently in a lease
In response to the new wave of lockdowns, McKinsey have produced a new assessment of the best approach to manage
I chaired a meeting yesterday where eight agency leaders discussed their approach to flexible working and distributed businesses. Few had
Leaders lead. Find your way to be available to anyone. Be visible and be accountable. With change comes new thinking
During an Agency Sales Transformation workshop in 2019 (when I was at Waypoint Partners), led by Partner Lisa Mandell, we
If you have something on your mind, a challenge you’re wrestling with or just want an alternative point of view, I’d be very happy to lend an ear and maybe help you start to unpick the issues.