Category: etc musings

Watch: Dork or nerd?

Powerpoint punchlines and proof if needed that more nerds should be comedians. Enjoy! Andy.

Voice notes at work?

Some years ago – before remote working was a standard ‘thing’ – one of my co-workers used to leave voice

Our most loved articles of 2022

Here are the top ten articles from the year – the ones which got most people talking, elicited the highest response, or won the most clicks.

Record your problems.

OK, so I’m likely to use the Apple users at this point, but nevertheless this little tip (I’m refusing to

Agency Founders Surgery - free 1 to 1.

If you have something on your mind, a challenge you’re wrestling with or just want an alternative point of view, I’d be very happy to lend an ear and maybe help you start to unpick the issues.